Start Serving Today!
There are many ways to serve at TFBC. We want to help you find a team that best fits your spiritual gifts, abilities and passions. Below are a list of different areas you can serve in. Please fill out the form at the bottom of the page and we will be in contact with you!
A Great Place to start to find your place to serves is to discover your spiritual Gift - Click the link here to access a free survey.
We LOVE families at TFBC and that means we’re intentional about investing in and discipling the next generation. If you’re interested in making a difference in the lives of children and impacting families, then check out the volunteer opportunities in First Kids, or click here for more information.

Whiteflag Students
Create a safe place for middle schoolers and high schoolers to learn how to approach life’s challenges. Many serve positions are available including D- Group Leaders, Greeting, Crowd Control, Set-Up/Tear-Down, and more.

Young at Heart
If you have a heart for senior adults, consider serving on our "Young at Heart" Ministry Team. Help coordinate activities and trips for those 60+. Contact Pastor Marc at or call the church office at 205-646-3970 for more information about these activities.
Worship Ministry
We seek to create an environment where we engage every follower of Christ with "...psalms, hymns and spiritual songs..." Therefore, we use a blend of great hymns of the faith while also singing conservative praise and worship songs. To get involved, contact Pastor Marc at or click here to sign up.
Media Ministry
Help us create dynamic, life-changing experiences and atmospheres, whether it be with videos, stage designs, or other creative elements. Volunteer to help on our audio, video or live stream teams. Contact Pastor Marc at to take a test drive or click here to sign up.

Hospitality Ministry
Help us provide a great first impression and experience to the many guests who attend Thorsby First Baptist each week. Contact Pastor Marc at to find out how you can serve in on our Hospitality team.